How can we help you today?

There is no reserve set on any of these competitions. We will always give the prize away no matter how many tickets are sold.

If there is any problem with the prize whether it is with delivery or the prize itself please do not hesitate to contact us.

We will use a random number generator to pick our winner. These draws can be watched live from our facebook page.

No, but we would love it if you come and join us but no you do not have to be live in order to win. You will be notified regardless.

You can close your account at any time by simply heading to the members area and then clicking into “close account.”

You are absolutely entitled not to participate in anything that is unreasonable, the only thing we will always ask for is a Winner photo that we will be able to use on our website and social media.

You will receive the prize that is specified in each competition you have entered. There will be no cash alternative.

Yes you must be a member to play our competitions but membership is free and you can sign up easily in less than a minute.

You can pay by debit or credit card on our website using our payment providers secure checkout system. Please be aware that some banks place charges on gambling transactions, and at times Carp Builders Competitions may be classed as a gambling transaction by some banks.

Each entry cost varies, some competitions can be as little as 0.29

Yes, a confirmation email will be sent to the address provided when you signed up. Please keep your details up to date.

You can view the number of tickets you have in your account via email sent to you and through your account.

Each entry cost varies, entries can start as low as £0.29.

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